For the Ones Who Almost Made It

My darling,

I know.

It wasn’t easy and I put you through a lot. My job, my ex, not being overly fond of your social crowd. I found myself talking a lot about the things you didn’t do more than the things you did do. I wasn’t the usual and I definitely wasn’t what your family had in mind. I wasn’t financially stable and I smoked sometimes. I wasn’t easy and I may not have even been worth it in your eyes.  But you chose to stay.

You didn’t have a job you already had everything. You threw tantrums over things that I thought were otherwise reasonable. You yelled at me and cornered me in the kitchen while you did it. You told another girl you wanted her while I was with you. But I chose to stay.

We chose to stay even though it was hard. You might say it was because we loved each other but maybe we were just stupid.

I ran you into the ground and you broke me so yes, we went our separate ways, and that happens when people grind each other down to nothing. It doesn’t mean it was anybody’s fault, it just happened. I still think of you and everyday. I miss the best friend I had in you because everyday something happens that I want to tell you. But then I remember, we don’t know each other anymore.

When you walked away from our relationship you walked away from me as a person. You then also chose to walk away from the friends we called family. You left us in a way that made us wonder if we were the ones who weren’t good enough.

So I hope you find someone who breaks you and I hope they walk away from you. So maybe you will know what it feels like to not be enough. But more than that, I hope you pick yourself up and learn from it because one day you will make someone the happiest girl in the world. But you need to learn how to love people as they are, not how you think they should be.

With hope,
Sweet Someone.